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Naturist Legacy's website (for members)

The password-protected area of Naturist Legacy's website (known as "Member Central") plays a key role in communicating vital information to members.

According to their Member Login page, "Member Central offers Naturist Legacy members exclusive access to a wide variety of club information...."

This is an abbreviated screenshot from that page as it appeared on November 23, 2023:

Member Central Login

I encourage members to visit Naturist Legacy's website and log in to see the latest events calendar, the latest club newsletters and the latest corporate documents.

Member Central was designed with maximum transparency in mind. Corporate documents will include the current by-laws, the current fee schedule, the current rules and policies, the minutes from the latest AGM, archived minutes from all previous AGMs, and other important documents as outlined below.

Time sensitive information

Since 2014, Naturist Legacy's by-laws have required certain information to be published on the corporation's website, and at specific times. The relevant sections of the by-laws are quoted and linked below.

Annual financial statements

9.1 The Corporation will make available to the members the annual financial statements and other documents by
(a) publishing the annual financial statements and documents on the Corporation's website, and

(b) providing a copy of the annual financial statements and documents by mail or electronic mail to any member upon request.

The board complied with Section 9.1(a) in 2014 by posting three links on Member Central's "Corporate" page:

NLI 2014 Budget Report
NLI 2014 Balance Sheet
NLI 2014 Income Statement

The board complied with Section 9.1(a) in 2015 by posting three links on Member Central's "Corporate" page:

NLI 2015 Balance Sheet - Year End
NLI 2015 Budget Report - Year End
NLI 2015 Income Statement - Year End

I encourage members to visit Naturist Legacy's website and log in to see the year end Balance Sheets, Income Statements and Budget Reports for 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Election of directors: Call for nominations

13.3(b) The nominating officer will have a call for nominations to the board announced by mail or electronic mail, and published on the Corporation's website.

I encourage members to visit Naturist Legacy's website and log in to see the 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 calls for nominations.

Election of directors: List of candidates and their profiles

13.3(d) Immediately prior to the AGM the nominating officer will have the list of candidates and their profiles announced by mail or electronic mail, and published on the Corporation's website.

I encourage members to visit Naturist Legacy's website and log in to see the 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 lists of candidates and their profiles.

Notice of meetings

19.1 The board may at any time call a meeting of members for the transaction of any business. The general nature of the meeting will be specified in the notice of the meeting. Notice of meetings will be sent to each member at least two weeks in advance by mail or electronic mail, and published on the Corporation's website.

I encourage members to visit Naturist Legacy's website and log in to see the 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 notices of meetings.

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