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Naturist Legacy's website (for the public)
Naturist Legacy's website contributed to their early success.
Information about Naturist Legacy Park is easily and readily available on the Web. If you use Google to search Manitoba naturism or nudism, for instance, you will usually find us on the first page of results. Unlike traditional media, the message we present on our Web site is not filtered or "spun" by a reporter. It is entirely under our control and can thus be tailored to best serve our needs.
This excerpt is from the "Naturist Legacy Inc. Business Fundamentals Guide" (PDF). I co-authored and edited this important document. It was published in February 2013.
I was Naturist Legacy's webmaster from 2010 until August of 2014. I built their website, designed the logo, authored much of the text and edited the rest. The site was launched on December 10, 2010.
The screenshots below chronicle the website's appearance over the years. Click or tap to view larger images.
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