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Naturist Legacy's property

Information about land ownership, zoning and assessment is available to the public.
Teranet Manitoba administers the provincial systems of landholding on behalf of the Province of Manitoba in accordance with The Real Property Act, The Registry Act and other related acts. We also maintain the written and drawn legal descriptions (the survey fabric) of all land in Manitoba.

This excerpt is from the Teranet Manitoba website home page as it appeared on January 1, 2020.
Can anyone look at my title?
Yes, all records are public information.

This excerpt is from a Teranet Manitoba website help page as it appeared on January 1, 2020.
Immediately after our meeting last May, we began searching for land. We scoured the Winnipeg Real Estate News and the Internet for listings. We responded to a multitude of personal and professional tips. In total we considered more than a hundred property listings as potential new homes for our club. Of those 100+ properties, we selected approximately 60 as worthy of further review. Of those 60 properties, we personally visited at least 16. Of those 16 properties, we physically walked on at least 10....

Early in our search we became aware of a piece of vacant land which would in almost every respect be ideal for our new home. We'll call it "Property A." Property A was large. It was very private. It was mostly covered in mixed evergreen and deciduous forest, but it also offered open vistas which could be developed into building sites, RV spots and recreation areas. Property A had the right kind of soil type which offered excellent drainage. It had good access off of a major paved highway. Last but not least, it was no further from Winnipeg than our old home....

Immediately after Naturist Legacy became a legal corporation in early August, we entered into negotiations with the owner of Property A....

These excerpts are from the Land Search Outcomes (PDF) report presented at the Crocus Grove / Naturist Legacy general meeting held on September 11, 2010. I am the author. Naturist Legacy purchased this land on September 7, 2010 and took possession on October 1, 2010.

View the Status of Title (PDF) for Naturist Legacy's land (a public record).

An application for a conditional use is processed and approved or rejected in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. Applications for conditional use orders in both the Town of Beausejour and Rural Municipality of Brokenhead are submitted to the Brokenhead River Planning District. Completed application form must be accompanied by any supporting information and/or materials pertinent to the application.

This excerpt is from the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead website as it appeared on July 1, 2020.

Read the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead Zoning By-law No. 1688 which regulates the use and development of land within the RM.

Read the Hearing Notice (PDF) for Naturist Legacy's Conditional Use Order Application (a public record).

Read the public presentation (PDF) made before the RM of Brokenhead Council on March 8, 2011 by the president and treasurer of Naturist Legacy Inc.

Read the RM of Brokenhead Council Minutes for March 8, 2011 (PDF). See Minute Reference 67-11, 68-11, 69-11.

View the Conditional Use Order (PDF) for Naturist Legacy's land (a public record).

Assessment Services is responsible for the assessment of all real and personal property in the province, excluding property in the City of Winnipeg, delivered through 10 District Offices. The City of Winnipeg is responsible for property assessment services in Winnipeg. In Manitoba, property is assessed at market value in accordance with The Municipal Assessment Act. Market value is the most probable selling price of the property had it been sold by a willing seller to a willing buyer. Regular reassessments ensure that property assessments keep pace with real estate market conditions, and taxes are distributed fairly to property owners.

This excerpt is from Manitoba's Property Assessment website as it appeared on January 1, 2020.

Do a free Manitoba Assessment Online Property Search for Naturist Legacy Inc. (Certificate of Title: 2483602).


View the Property Assessment Report (PDF) for Naturist Legacy Inc. (a public record) as of July 15, 2018. The total assessed market value of Naturist Legacy Park land and buildings for the 2018 tax year is shown as $314,400.

2018 DetailsAssessed Market Value
Washroom building$13,900
Clubhouse and pool$98,900
Privately-owned buildings$120,000


View the Property Assessment Report (PDF) for Naturist Legacy Inc. (a public record) as of May 31, 2019. The total assessed market value of Naturist Legacy Park land and buildings for the 2019 tax year is shown as $314,400. Naturist Legacy Inc. inherited a cottage and shed located on Lot 1 in 2018.

2019 DetailsAssessed Market Value
Washroom building$13,900
Clubhouse and pool$98,900
Inherited cottage, Lot 1$28,200
Inherited shed, Lot 1$2,000
Privately-owned buildings$89,800


View the Property Assessment Report (PDF) for Naturist Legacy Inc. (a public record) as of March 12, 2020. The total assessed market value of Naturist Legacy Park land and buildings for the 2020 tax year is shown as $360,000. Naturist Legacy's board of directors sold the inherited cottage to the corporation's president in 2019.

2020 DetailsAssessed Market Value
Washroom building$13,600
Clubhouse and pool$122,600
Inherited shed, Lot 1$2,000
Privately-owned buildings$117,400


View the Property Assessment Report (PDF) for Naturist Legacy Inc. (a public record) as of April 20, 2021. The total assessed market value of Naturist Legacy Park land and buildings for the 2021 tax year is shown as $360,000.

2021 DetailsAssessed Market Value
Washroom building$13,600
Clubhouse and pool$122,600
Inherited shed, Lot 1$2,000
Privately-owned buildings$117,400


View the Property Assessment Report (PDF) for Naturist Legacy Inc. (a public record) as of May 23, 2022. The total assessed market value of Naturist Legacy Park land and buildings for the 2022 tax year is shown as $360,000.

2022 DetailsAssessed Market Value
Washroom building$13,600
Clubhouse and pool$122,600
Inherited shed, Lot 1$2,000
Privately-owned buildings$117,400


View the Property Assessment Report (PDF) for Naturist Legacy Inc. (a public record) as of May 12, 2023. The total assessed market value of Naturist Legacy Park land and buildings for the 2023 tax year is shown as $368,800.

2023 DetailsAssessed Market Value
Buildings (corporate and private)$257,200


View the Property Assessment Report (PDF) for Naturist Legacy Inc. (a public record) as of March 2, 2024. The total assessed market value of Naturist Legacy Park land and buildings for the 2024 tax year is shown as $368,800.

2024 DetailsAssessed Market Value
Buildings (corporate and private)$257,200


View the Property Assessment Report (PDF) for Naturist Legacy Inc. (a public record) as of June 8, 2024. The total assessed market value of Naturist Legacy Park land and buildings for the 2025 tax year is shown as $421,500.

2025 DetailsAssessed Market Value
Buildings (corporate and private)$281,900

View historical satellite imagery of Naturist Legacy's land (purchased in 2010) from the Government of Manitoba (1993) and Google Earth (2004-2024). Click or tap below to view larger images.

Naturist Legacy History: The land in 1993 Naturist Legacy History: The land in 2004 Naturist Legacy History: The land in 2011 Naturist Legacy History: The land in 2012 Naturist Legacy History: The land in 2014 Naturist Legacy History: The land in 2015 Naturist Legacy History: The land in 2019 Naturist Legacy History: The land in 2022 Naturist Legacy History: The land in 2024

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