A New Year's Reflection
We find ourselves on the eve of another new year. This is a time when many of us reflect upon that which has passed, and upon that which lies ahead.We all know that life and health are fleeting. Most of us felt nearly invulnerable when we were younger, but the passage of years informs us that the clock is inexorably ticking away on our physical lives. I'm now at an age where I've seen people — too many people, actually — live and die and leave nothing of any real substance by which to be remembered. That's incredibly sad when you think about it. Given the choice, wouldn't most of us want to leave something behind that's permanent — something that reflects the essence of our interests, the essence of our passions... the essence of us?
If you walk around Naturist Legacy Park's campground, you'll see several small inukshuks. An inukshuk is a stone landmark traditionally built by the Inuit. Many ancient examples of inukshuk can be found in Canada's far north. One of the most basic and yet most profound meanings of the inukshuk is simply this: "I was here." At its most intrinsic level, the inukshuk declares that it's builder lived, and that he (or she) created something lasting.
Naturist Legacy would like to provide its major funders and builders with recognition for today and remembrance for tomorrow. Once our major construction is complete, we intend to extend formal recognition to our Founders (with their permission, of course) and to everyone else who has made a significant contribution to the development of our park. What physical shape and form this place of recognition takes will be determined in due course, but this one thing is certain: it will be permanent and lasting!
Someone once wrote, "You can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth." The profound commitment of Naturist Legacy Park's Founders and builders makes the "width and depth" of their life plain for all to see. They're accomplishing something that truly matters to them personally, and their friends in the larger nudist community are all sharing the benefits! I'm sure that none of them are expecting to leave this life anytime soon, but when they do, this permanent place of recognition and remembrance — this modern-day "inukshuk" of sorts — will declare that they lived, and that they created something lasting for the nudist world: Naturist Legacy Park.
Permanent recognition for today. Permanent remembrance for tomorrow. Will your name be among those so honoured?
SOURCE: This article was published in both the members and non-members editions of the December 31, 2012 Naturist Legacy News Update. I am the author. Check out the 2012 Photo Galleries to see what was accomplished during this ambitious year of construction and development.
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