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Clubhouse Fundraising Program

As all of you know, we have one major project yet to be built at Naturist Legacy Park — our new clubhouse! Our first major fundraising initiative for that project will begin soon. It's based on an idea that came from some of you, in fact!

First, a bit of background. Most Naturist Legacy members have participated in our membership fee pay forward program. Funds raised from these generous pay forwards have purchased our land, installed our utilities and built our amenities (the washrooms, the pool, the volleyball and bocce courts, etc.). Every year, a portion of each member's pay forward account balance is credited back to them on their annual invoice. Just over $13,000 worth of membership fees paid in advance were credited back to members in 2012.

Here's how the new fundraising idea will work. In order to fund our clubhouse, several members have expressed their willingness to voluntarily forgo pay forward credits and instead remit full membership fees (as well as lot fees, if applicable) so long as those extra fees are deposited to a dedicated clubhouse construction fund. The tables below demonstrate how this will work by comparing an example of normal invoice crediting with an example of deferred invoice crediting.


"Member Couple A" has a pay forward balance of $2000 and a seasonal lot. In 2013, they would normally be invoiced as follows:

Membership fees
+ $600
Lot fees
= $900
- $300
Membership fee credit (100%)
- $120
Lot fee credit (6% of $2,000 pay forward balance)
= $480
Total due

"Member Couple A" would therefore have had $420 credited back to them in 2013 with a pay forward balance of $1580 remaining.


"Member Couple A" voluntarily opts to postpone their pay forward credits as a way to raise money for the clubhouse. They would be invoiced as follows:

Membership fees
+ $600
Lot fees
= $900
- $0
Membership fee credit
- $0
Lot fee credit
= $900
Total due

"Member Couple A" would have an unchanged pay forward balance of $2000 remaining. Meanwhile, the $420 that would normally have been credited back to them would instead be deposited to a dedicated clubhouse construction fund.

Each member's pay forward balance would carry over unchanged for every year that they participate in this clubhouse fundraising program. If every pay forward member participated in this voluntary program, we could raise approximately $11,000 per year for our clubhouse construction fund. This total will be less if fewer members participate, of course.

At a rate of $11,000 per year, it would take us three years to raise enough money so that we could proceed with construction of the outside shell of our new clubhouse. This fully-enclosed building would provide basic shelter for many member activities. Additional funds could then gradually be raised to complete the interior with wiring and lighting, plumbing, washrooms, a kitchen, wall and floor finishes, etc.

Given the astonishingly rapid progress that we've made in our development during each of the past two years, the prospect of a three-year wait for a new clubhouse will be profoundly disappointing to some. While we still believe that there may be at least one or two members within our ranks who could immediately step up and offer most or even all of the funding required for the clubhouse (just as our Founders funded our land purchase, for example), we have no indication at this time that anyone intends to do so.

Even without a new Founder or two, there are still ways by which we can maintain our rapid development pace. For example...

All members who would like to see the clubhouse built faster should consider donating or paying forward additional funds ear-marked specifically for the clubhouse. On top of the potential $11,000 raised from deferred credits in 2013 as outlined above, if every couple donated or paid forward just $700, and if every single donated or paid forward just $350, we could actually build the clubhouse this year. Yes, that's right! This year!


Fellow Naturist Legacy members, we are now so very close to putting the icing on the proverbial cake! Whether our new clubhouse will be months away or years away is 100% up to you and your willingness to dig just a little deeper to make this last big part of our big dream come true.

Because plans must be drawn, permits must be pulled and quotes must be obtained before building can begin, we will need ALL of the money for our clubhouse to be in the bank by the time the snow melts if construction is to happen in 2013. That's not much time for you to decide and then act, but as is so often said, where there's a will, there's a way!

In order for this ambitious action plan to happen, we will need universal member participation. Every member must provide their share of our needed funding or hammers will not swing in 2013. We encourage all of you to immediately begin discussing this plan with your fellow members. Talk to them on the phone. Write to them by e-mail. Meet them at the coffee shop. Ask them to join you in helping to make our clubhouse happen this year.

This CAN  be done if all of us really WANT  it to be done!

SOURCE: This article was published in both the members and non-members editions of the January 31, 2013 Naturist Legacy News Update. I am the author. Check out the 2013 Photo Galleries to see what was accomplished during this ambitious year of construction and development.

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