Pool Construction Approved
Take one pool contractor. Add two engineering firms and two Manitoba Health representatives. Stir in countless e-mail messages and phone calls. Then add several personal visits to offices in Winnipeg, Steinbach and Lac du Bonnet. Bake for more than two excruciating months.So what does this recipe yield? One permit to construct a semi-public pool! The good news we had so long awaited finally came last Monday:
"Manitoba Health has completed its review of your Registration/Application Form (and required documents) for the construction of a new swimming pool in the R.M. of Brokenhead. Please consider this e-mail approval to proceed with construction of the facility."
With this approval now in hand, we believe that we have finally cleared what we regard as our last significant red tape hurdle in the development of Naturist Legacy Park!
Does this mean that we're finished with red tape? Not in this lifetime, unfortunately! However, the red tape that we'll continue to face in the future is process-related rather than development-related. In other words, it will deal mostly with yearly operating permits and simple building permits rather than the kinds of development permits that, if denied, could actually hinder or even halt the progress of our park. Those dreadful uncertainties are hopefully now behind us.
We will soon begin construction of the fence that will surround our new pool. Several more trees will need to be removed first before that work can get underway. We'll need to leave a portion of one side of the fence open to accommodate the excavator used by the pool installers. We expect them to start their work soon after the weather is appropriate for pool installations.
We also expect to see our electrician on site again soon. He needs to finish his work on the washrooms and complete the wiring for the pool equipment and for our overnight RV sites.
We have a multitude of other jobs large and small that we'll be working on as the weather continues to improve. Your volunteer help will once again be needed and very much appreciated!
2012 promises to be yet another transformational year at Naturist Legacy Park! We're anxious to get started!
SOURCE: This article was published in both the members and non-members editions of the April 1, 2012 Naturist Legacy News Update. I am the author. Check out the 2012 Photo Galleries to see what was accomplished during this ambitious year of construction and development at Naturist Legacy Park.
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