Thank You, Volunteers!
The long awaited cold and snow of early winter has finally arrived and so work on our new land is now suspended until next spring.We took possession of the land on October 1st and the weather for the next month and a half couldn't have been better! Only two days were lost to rainy weather. We had a light snowfall one weekend but that didn't slow us down at all.
Our hearty and stalwart volunteers accomplished much this fall. Roadways were improved for better access to our work areas. The massive 800 foot long by 40 foot wide corridor necessary to bring Hydro to our future building site next spring was cleared. Several trailers and buildings were moved from the old camp to the new property. A huge amount of scrap metal and other debris was removed from the land. Two derelict buildings near the front of the property were dismantled and burned. Dozens of stumps were pulled in order to widen roadways. What seems like trees by the hundred were limbed so that we can now walk beneath and between them. Trailer load after trailer load of branches were burned. Acres and acres of land had brush cleared and grass mowed.
Naturist Legacy's board of directors would like to humbly thank all those who lent so much of their time, talent and equipment to our good cause this fall. We could never have imagined that so much work could be done in so little time by just a handful of members. You have succeeded in preparing the way for our major construction program next spring, and we are so very grateful to have had such wonderful help. Thank you again!
SOURCE: This article was published in the November 18, 2010 Naturist Legacy News Update. I am the author. Check out the 2010 Photo Galleries to see what was accomplished during the first months of development at Naturist Legacy Park.
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