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Hydro tries winter pole installation

Manitoba Hydro informed us in mid-February that they would be doing a winter installation of the new Naturist Legacy Park power line rather than in May as we had previously expected. My wife and I traveled to the park on a sunny (but cold) winter day to mark the desired location for the final power pole. We discovered that they had already plowed the snow from the drive and delivered four poles. We planted the marker stake as planned, checked on the trailers and buildings we had moved over last fall, and checked on our cottage (the last photos below). We were subsequently informed that Manitoba Hydro had decided not to proceed with the early installation after all, citing concerns about hitting stumps hidden under the snow with their equipment.

These photographs from my personal collection were taken in February 2011. Click or tap below to view larger photos.

Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/01...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/02...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/03...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/04...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/05...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/06...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/07...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/08...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/09...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/10...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/11...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/12...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/13...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/14...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/15...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/16...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/17...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/18...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/19...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/20...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/21...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/22...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/23...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/24...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/25...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/26...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/27...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/28...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/29...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/30...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/31...Hydro tries winter pole installation Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 06/32...Hydro tries winter pole installation

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