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Hydro installs wires and a transformer

A few days after power poles were installed at Naturist legacy Park, a line crew from Manitoba Hydro arrived to add wires and a transformer. I was surprised by how much "leg work" was still required of the linesmen. They climbed poles the old-fashioned way to do most of their work. A bucket truck was used to hang the heavy transformer. Two more Hydro crews would need to visit us before we finally had electrical power in the park.

These photographs from my personal collection were taken in May 2011. Click or tap below to view larger photos.

Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/01...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/02...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/03...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/04...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/05...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/06...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/07...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/08...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/09...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/10...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/11...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/12...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/13...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/14...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/15...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/16...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/17...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/18...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/19...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/20...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/21...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/22...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/23...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/24...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/25...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/26...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/27...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/28...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/29...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/30...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/31...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/32...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/33...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/34...Hydro installs wires and a transformer Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 09/35...Hydro installs wires and a transformer

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