Members tackle smaller projects
Smaller development projects kept volunteers busy throughout the spring and summer at Naturist Legacy Park.• A member built a proper steel swing gate for the park entrance.
• Several of us joined together and finished clearing the campground access roads.
• A director who owned a tractor with a front-end loader used it to dig up and relocate a large mound of earth from an uncleared seasonal lot.
• Other members continued clearing and grooming the park's meadows. Countless piles of brush and branches awaited collection in the fall for burning.
• A member used his smaller tractor to clear a walking trail through the bush and then covered it with pine needles that had been raked from seasonal lots.
• A group of us collected the birch cordwood from the Hydro line corridor and loaded it onto a customer's trailer (the sale of cordwood was an important source of income during the early years of the park). We later collected the remaining cordwood (mostly pine and poplar) and stacked it for eventual sale.
• A new member couple graciously lent us their garden tractor equipped with a boom-style weed sprayer which I used to begin eradicating poison ivy from the park's meadows and paths. Care was taken to avoid harming the beautiful lilies and other wildflowers that grew on the property.
These photographs from my personal collection were taken in the spring, summer and fall of 2011. Click or tap below to view larger photos.
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