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New volleyball court takes shape

Work on Naturist Legacy Park's new sand volleyball court was ongoing throughout most of the 2011 season. Peter of CLD Excavating from Clandeboye was kind enough to excavate the court for us in mid-July while he was at the park for another job. What he did in a short time with his large excavator would have taken us many days of hard labour to do by hand. Volunteers later squared up the court with their shovels and removed loose rocks from the bottom of the excavation.

In early September, a board member used the front-end loader on his tractor to scoop up the excavated sand and spread it on the park's roadways. Many members turned out to help with this road repair effort, using their shovels and rakes to fill potholes and level low spots.

There was time at the end of the season for one last job on the volleyball court. A large boulder was protruding from the bottom of the court in the southwest corner. It would have posed a potential hazard for players. My wife and I spent a cold November day digging a hole beside the problem boulder. I then carefully removed sand from beneath the big rock until it gently dropped to the bottom. We refilled the hole with soft sand and the hazard was eliminated! The new court was now ready to be filled with luxurious white beach sand. That would happen in 2012.

These photographs from my personal collection were taken from July to November 2011. Click or tap below to view larger photos.

Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 21/01...New volleyball court takes shape Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 21/02...New volleyball court takes shape Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 21/03...New volleyball court takes shape Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 21/04...New volleyball court takes shape Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 21/05...New volleyball court takes shape Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 21/06...New volleyball court takes shape Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 21/07...New volleyball court takes shape Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 21/08...New volleyball court takes shape Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 21/09...New volleyball court takes shape Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 21/10...New volleyball court takes shape Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 21/11...New volleyball court takes shape Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 21/12...New volleyball court takes shape Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 21/13...New volleyball court takes shape Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 21/14...New volleyball court takes shape Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 21/15...New volleyball court takes shape Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 21/16...New volleyball court takes shape Naturist Legacy History: Gallery 21/17...New volleyball court takes shape

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