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Work begins on the swimming pool
I and my fellow Naturist Legacy Inc. directors chose Urban Life of Steinbach to supply and install our new swimming pool. Their product line was high quality, their prices were reasonable and their workmanship was excellent. Their willingness to help us overcome the unique regulatory challenges surrounding our pool project was especially appreciated. We received approval from Manitoba Health to construct our pool near the end of March (see the Building Permit PDF and Pool Plan View PDF). Urban Life owner Clarence Bergen and his crew arrived to begin installation of our Radiant pool in the middle of May. Excavation proceeded rapidly. A concrete pad was poured beside the washroom/shower building for the pool equipment. After careful measuring and leveling, the insulated structural wall panels of our new pool were assembled and put in place. Backfilling was to be provided by Urban Life. However, given our unique needs and Clarence's robust equipment, it occurred to me that maybe we could do a trade. I and other volunteers would do the required backfilling ourselves by hand if he would use his excavator to dig out a number of stumps from what was to become our new parking lot. Clarence graciously accepted my proposal. This simple, spur-of-the-moment accommodation saved us many days of back-breaking work. Clarence wonderfully demonstrated that good entrepreneurs can also be kind entrepreneurs.These photographs from my personal collection were taken in May 2012. Click or tap below to view larger photos.
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